Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Bride Wedding Speeches - Beautiful Words for a Beautiful Occasion! For most people, giving a speech – any speech, for any occasion – is pretty big news. Statistics show that public speaking consistently ranks in the top 3 major phobias for the average American (and incidentally, those same statistics would also indicate that the average American is more afraid of making a speech than they are of death -!)

Even someone who considers themselves reasonably well practiced at making speeches will often quail from the very idea of making a speech at someone’s wedding. Wedding speeches are the very epitome of what’s terrifying about public speaking: not only do you have to cater for an extremely diverse audience, but the weight of expectation on you to improve the day even more is positively staggering.

So imagine all this from the perspective of the bride -! As the focus of the day, the pressure’s on to give a speech that’s warm, witty, personal, meaningful, and that complements her position as the queen of the day.

That’s no small task! Click Here!

Fortunately, help is at hand: Sally Samuels, a professional speech-writer with a palpable gift for humor, has written a book that caters specifically to the speech-making needs of the bride on her big day.

Instantly downloadable from, Bride Speeches: Beautiful Words for a Beautiful Occasion is the ultimate speech-making encyclopedia, designed with the bride’s needs, responsibilities, and requirements in mind.

The book aims (and succeeds admirably) to not only supply you with a great selection of sample speeches, but teaches you how to write your very own speech from scratch, too – so if you’re strapped for time or ideas (and, really, is there any such thing as a bride with spare time on her hands?) you can quickly and easily piece together a great speech from the professionally-written samples on hand; or, for the more creative brides-to-be with a real hankering for a truly individual speech, you learn how to construct your very own speech – with detailed instructions from the professionals.

Yes, the main angle of the book is definitely aimed at covering the speech: how to write it, how to be funny, how to include emotion, how to reach out and touch your audience, how to make them fall out of their seats with laughter, how to deliver a quality speech with pride and unshakeable confidence.

But it’s not just about the speech-writing process, or even the delivery itself: Bride Speeches: Beautiful Words for a Beautiful Occasion covers just about every single aspect of bride-dom that you could hope to know about.

Let’s take a look at what you get in the book:

- Access to 20 professionally written, top quality speeches for the Bride (and did I mention that these have been designed so that you can pick and choose the parts that are relevant to you? Simply by changing names, you can create a personalized, individualized speech that’s perfect for your own occasion!)
- More than 100 witty and entertaining sample toasts for you to include in your speech

- Some pretty in-depth information on quelling stage fright, fear of public speaking, and wedding nerves, to enable you to really enjoy yourself

- Practical tips and advice on professional speech-delivery: how to make yourself look and sound great

- The complete Bride etiquette, to enable you to be a well-informed Bride who’s never stuck for the right thing to say or do

- The roles and responsibilities of a Bride: all the information you need to rise to the occasion with grace and panache

- A section on how to plan and prepare adequately for your speech, to make sure you can pull it off flawlessly and with the minimum of pre-speech stress

- Loads of jokes and one-liners to ensure that your speech is memorable for all the right reasons

- A whole section dedicated to wedding-appropriate quotes and poetry for you to add real meaning and emotion to your speech

- Pages and pages of detailed, specific, relevant information to save you time, aggravation, and worry (after all, this is meant to be your big day!)

In addition to everything listed above, you also get three entire bonus books for free:

Bridal Showers to Remember : an instantly-downloadable online book which supplies you with tons of original, exciting themes and ideas to help your Maid of Honor throw you the best bridal shower ever

The Bachelorette Party : an instantly-downloadable online book packed with cocktail ideas, themes, party ideas and harmless, witty pranks to keep the party heading in the right direction and full of energy.

Unstoppable Confidence Audio Program : an instantly-downloadable audio track, put together by a professional hypnotherapist. All you have to do is put on your headphones, sink back into your chair, and listen to your confidence levels rise sky-high.

Two words: highly recommended. Brides have got enough on their plates already without the added stress and strain of delivering a funny, witty, and touching speech in front of everyone they’ve ever cared about (not least of whom is their husband-to-be!)

This book has been designed to cater to every last need of the Bride on her wedding day – everything you could ever need for designing, writing, and delivering an unforgettable speech; how to handle those awkward wedding situations; how to keep everything running smoothly – and above all, how to keep calm, confident, and enjoy yourself.

The ultimate resource for Brides, this book gets two emphatic thumbs-up! Click Here!

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